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L’Aquila and the others, beyond the G8

The NoG8 Network of the city of Rome endorses the call “L’Aquila and the others, beyond the G8” that was agreed upon during the national meeting held on the 1st of June in L’Aquila.

The roman network supports the call to “spread out the mobilizations” from the first week of July and up until the days of the summit of the heads of State and government, which will be held in Coppito and will discuss the global crisis. These spread-out mobilizations will include the national demonstration already scheduled for the 4th of July in Vicenza against the expansion of the US military base ‘Dal Molin’.

Bild: Turin

Rome’s NoG8 network shares the approach to such mobilizations as an opportunity to intensify and enhance in time and efficiency the conflicts and the social practices expressed daily by the struggles and the movements at the local level.

During the days of July the network wishes to continue the work already undertaken with the mobilization of the 28th of March against the G8 of the Ministers of Finance and with that of the 28th, 29th and 30th of May against the G8 of the Ministers of Justice and Internal Affairs: a work which was characterized by a method of concrete convergence of different movements, on the basis of horizontal relations and shared decisions.

For this reason, the NoG8 Network of Rome will contribute to giving continuity to the campaign against securitarian and discriminatory policies, and in particular against the racist Bill on ‘security’ that Berlusconi’s government is about to pass. We therefore call for a protest under the Senate during the days of the final vote on the Bill, and we announce already from now that we’ll be organizing initiatives aimed at shutting down the lager/migrants’ detention centre of Ponte Galeria, Rome.

The roman network supports the mobilization of the dissident communities of the earthquake victims, a mobilization which will take place on the 16th of June in Rome to protest against the sham and speculative policy of the government on emergency and reconstruction.

The NoG8 Network of Rome endorses the principle of “spreading out” the initiatives proposed by the national call, and proposes to take such a method further by creating a dynamic ‘Map of the Crisis’ that everyone can contribute to by organizing actions by groups of affinity, in a manner similar to that experimented in London during the G20 - a map which, as a matter of fact, the social struggles and the international mobilizations ongoing in Europe have already started drawing since a while.

The network thus calls for many ‘Maps of the Crisis’ to be openly put in practice during the NoG8 days of July by all movements, networks and collectives wishing to do so in as many towns and cities as possible in Italy, Europe and in the countries of the ‘Club of the Big Ones’.

Within such a delocalized approach, and ensuring since now legal support to the participants and the creation of a platform for independent communication, the NoG8 Network of Rome calls for a ‘Welcoming Day to the Powers of Earth’ to be held on the 7th of July, when the international delegations will transit through Rome on their way to Coppito. Such a ‘Welcoming Day’ will take the form of spread out initiatives and ‘anti-crisis social squares’, under the banner “We won’t pay for your crisis, we’ll be your crisis”.

Finally, subject to the decisions that will be taken by the next national meeting of the 21st of June in L’Aquila regarding the initiatives to be held in the territory of L’Aquila during those days, the roman network calls for the ’Map of the Crisis’ to be filled, anywhere possible in Italy, in Europe and within the ‘Club of the Big Ones’, with colors and acts of liberation during the days of the summit of the powers of the Earth, from the 8th till the 10th of July.

Source: email