

Hamburg 28th May 2007

International Demonstration against the ASEM - Foreign Ministers Conference of EU and Asian states as an approach to the G8 summit

Just before the G8 summit the largest international conference under Germany’s EU-Presidency will take place in Hamburg on the 28 /29 May. 1500 high ranking delegates and the Foreign Ministers of all EU and ASEAN members and other Asian states will hold that conference to push economic cooperation forward.

Security Forces declared that they are expecting massive protest and announced the largest security forces deployment in the cities history. A security cordon will be erected in the city centre in order to protect the delegates.

Undogmatic radical left groups are mobilizing for an international demonstration at 28th of May 2007, which is to be understood as a run up to the protest activities against the G8 summit. It’s directed against the EU as one of the main actors of global exploitation.

The Demonstration is strongly connected with the Days of Action and the Convergence Centre, which is to be the point of contact and communication for all international activists. Different caravans are expected in Hamburg for that time.

We call on everyone to take part and to join the demonstration and to obstruct the Hamburg summit.

More information material and a detailed leaflet will follow.

public group

Contact: summitblock@nadir.org