
VIA CAMPESINA: Call for action on the international day of peasants’ struggle

Dear friends, dear members of grassroot organisations.

As already practised in the last years VIA CAMPESINA - a worldwide network of small farmers’ organisations - calls for global action on April 17th, 2007.

We, supporters of the German network for activities concerning global agriculture (Aktionsnetzwerk Globale Landwirtschaft), are in solidarity with VIA CAMPESINA. In context with protests against dominating agricultural policies during the next G8 summit we are planning several events and protest ralleys in various German cities on April 17th, 2007. We invite everybody - individuals as well as organisations - who are interested in the politics of agriculture, food, environment and development to go public with your criticism of the destructive agricultural policies of the states of the G8 summit. Show your solidarity with the struggles of peasants, rural workers and landless people. Participate in events and organise activities yourselves in your own town on April 17th, 2007.

We intend to create more public awareness in Germany for the work of VIA CAMPESINA and their struggle to proclaim free access to land, seeds and water and we wish to emphasize how big farmers and multinational companies push away peasant economies worldwide. Political, social and ecological consequences of this ongoing process are extremely destructive: on one side there is more and more power in fewer hands, on the other side increasing dependency.

What will happen on April 17th, 2007 in Germany, where and when? It’s up to you! Our fantasy, our commitment and YOUR participation will determine the outcome of the day. We hope as many groups as possible are going to provide a colourful program. Imagine maybe a public viewing in the pedestrian area of your town, an exhibition, an information session, a soup-kitchen, a street performance, a public meeting or… For public viewings we can offer you two short video clips, one showing VIA CAMPESINA, the other struggles for land. Also we are going to publish a small brochure containing information about the above matters and the international day of peasants’ struggle. Last but not least we would like to create a central website showing all activities around April 17th, 2007 and to coordinate press contacts in order to advertise the wide range of events and to attract public attention as much as possible.

We – participants in the German network for activities concerning global agriculture (Aktionsnetzwerk Globale Landwirtschaft) – will focus on publishing the brochure, coordination work and press contacts. The organisation of local activities will be the responsibility of all local groups themselves. Who would like to support VIA CAMPESINA and make them better known to the
German public by organising creative events on April 17th, 2007?

If you are interested or need more information please contact
aktionstag17_4 [at] yahoo.de.
Yours sincerely
Anne and Pia
Aktionsnetzwerk Globale Landwirtschaf
p.s. Resistance is fertile!

[aktionstag17_4 [at] yahoo.de]