
Global Invitation to: movinG8-RadioForum

Bundesverband Freier Radios

Call for alternative G8-radio-coverage!

On the occasion of the G8-summit 2007, various counter-events and actions are scheduled to take place in Northern Germany. At the start of a week of protests (2nd to 8th June) approx. 100.000 people are expected in Rostock and the surrounding area of the official venue of the summit (Heiligendamm). This will include a large number of journalists and media activists.

The German association of Free Radio Broadcasters (BFR) and the european branch of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC-Europe) are issuing a global call to participate in alternative G8-radio-coverage!

We want to create a jointly organised and co-ordinated program of different radios and radio groups to broadcast in as many languages as possible. The basis of coverage is non-commercial and emancipatory. This also means critical self-analysis of activities by the movement of those who are opposed to globalisation in its current form.

The purpose of the coverage is to have continuous production of short radiosegments and (live)broadcasts. The program developed on the spot will be streamed via internet by as many radio stations as possible and transmitted locally. The broadcast location will most likely be in an independent media centre in Rostock. Four or five internet-audio-streams are planned to allow simultaneous multilingual broadcasts. Depending on needs and possibilities, there will be additional production sites. (Please bring your own notebook computers, recorders and equipment.) In order to allow “correspondents” or interested private individuals to participate, we advise registering by April 30th (see below).

Broadcasts and segments can also be produced in advance. The deadline is April 30th. Prior to the start of the protests, a multilingual “raise your voice" - program will inform people about the impact of neo-liberal politics on the local context of your radio stations. The goal is also a critical examination of (new) social movements. We are interested to see what social struggles have produced what experiences? What role does / did your radio station play in this process?
We also aim to make this co-operation a space for social interaction and to provide an opportunity to reflect on the different practice of free radios. Active co-operation during such major events means creating (counter-) publicity. This can be achieved by using structures and means of production that reach beyond the influence of money and goods, e.g. horizontal organizational structures, co-production, copyleft (free of copyright restrictions). We want self- responsibility to create non-discriminatory broadcasts! No racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, war-mongering or other misanthropic content will be broadcast.

You are heartily welcome! We need your support!
supported by: AMARC - World Social Forum 2007, Nairobi, Kenya

You can also participate by:

- circulating this announcement
- pers. / techn. commitments, setting up g8-editorial staff
- taking responsibility for many little duties in Rostock
- participating in a preparatory conference Rostock III
13.-15.04.07 - www.heiligendamm2007.de (ger../engl.)

contact (engl./span./french/ger.): g8@freie-radios.de
Internet: www.freie-radios.de / www.amarc.org

Support for travel costs can not be guaranteed for the
moment. Perhaps with the help of donations? (see box)

Bank: OSPA Rostock
adr.: Am Voegenteich 23
acc.-name: RadioForum
IBAN: DE22130500000200068180
catchword: broadcasting
or: legal aid
or: travel costs

P.S.: If this invitation serves for applications of visas: The BFR is not responsible for travel or stay of participants.

Bundesverband Freier Radios
c/o Radio Unerhört Marburg
R.-Bultmann-Str. 2b 35039