
POG Statement of Solidarity

Pittsburgh Organizing Group
1:32 pmpog@mutualaid.org
c/o Thomas Merton Center
5125 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh PA 15224

This is a statement from Pittsburgh Organizing Group (POG) to the many groups and organizations in our city involved in struggles for social and economic justice. Its purpose is to make more explicit the solidarity we try to engage in towards other members of the progressive community. It is the way in which we seek to make real the commitment we have to build a strong and lasting culture of mutual respect and support across the lines that too often divide us. We encourage other groups to write their own solidarity statements, something we believe could produce beneficial results for the community (we would be happy to use this page as a place to publicize those). Groups are also welcome to simply rework or endorse the below statement.

Our solidarity made real!

We are just one of a great multitude of groups striving for progressive social change. When considering our relationship to each other we try to keep in mind we are not necessarily immediate allies nor are we each other's greatest enemy. There are many things, on which we likely do not agree, but despite this fact we are part of the same broad struggles together and strength exists in the bonds between our groups and individuals. We are often in the streets together to protest, working on the same issue, or towards a similar goal. We know that corporations, police, mass media, and other dominant institutions of power are often trying to divide us in order to crush our movements. Solidarity is the way in which our diversity becomes our strength, we build our movements and we protect each other's bodies, lives and rights, both on the streets and in our every day organizing.

We believe we have some things in common. We believe in basic human rights and the need to live with respect and dignity. We believe we must protect this planet - our air, water, earth and food or we will all die. We believe these global corporate and political institutions are serving primarily the interests of the rich. We agree in the right of communities to self-determination within a framework of progressive social change. We believe workers are entitled to be the beneficiaries of their labor and that they have an unalienable right to organize for the betterment of themselves and others. We all agree it's time for fundamental change. As we take to the streets together, as we continue our day to day organizing, let us work to be in solidarity with one another.

The following are ways in which we attempt to make this feeling of solidarity real. It is the way in which we strive to provide a framework of solidarity in the city.
As individual members of POG we aim

* Challenge and critique other groups and individuals in constructive ways and in a spirit of respect.
* To try to listen without getting defensive. To be open in thinking, not rigid in positions.
* To avoid making assumptions about the opinions or values of others based on what a person looks like or what groups we "know" or think they belong to.
* To refrain from personal attacks, even with people whom strongly disagree. (We try to focus on how we feel, not what they did.)
* To understand that even though we may sometimes disagree, the vast majority of those in our movements have come to their politics, strategies and choice of tactics through thoughtful and intelligent consideration of issues, circumstances and experiences.
* To try to be accountable to others and the group as a whole for the decisions we make and be responsible for the things we say we're going to do.
* To support workers struggles. We don't cross picket lines and we don't scab or support those who do.

At protests and in our dealing with other groups and the police

* We do not turn people over or single people out to the police through either physical or verbal actions.
* We do not let people within our groups interfere with other groups without explanation and accountability.
* We share food, water, medical and other supplies with groups lacking those resources
* We support ANY protester who is hurt, gassed, shot or beaten
* We try as much as is possible and practical to respect other groups' rights to do a certain type of protest at certain times and places. If we choose to participate as a group, we try to do so within the tone and tactics they set. If we do not agree with the tone and tactics, we do not, as a group, participate in that protest or bring a differently oriented protest into that time and space without extensive explanation of the reasons why. We ask the same of other individuals and groups who participate in our events.
* We understand that our actions and tactics have repercussions that go beyond our immediate group and ourselves.
* We do not provide the police or any other government agent information on the activities of other groups or individuals. If they want to know something they can contact that group themselves.
* If we choose to negotiate with the police, we never do so for other groups of which we are not a part.

As a group

* We strive to make everyone aware of the resources available at events we're participating in, or organizing: legal, medical, and otherwise
* We strive to organize in as open and inclusive way as is practical while still maintaining a culture of security in recognition of the ongoing attempts of the state to survey and disrupt our movements.
* We seek to emphasize anti-oppression principles in all of our organizing.

In the Media

* We seek to avoid perpetuating a "good" protester "bad" protester dichotomy
* We do not denounce other demonstrators.
* We talk about our strategy and beliefs, not others
* We acknowledge other groups' existence and role they play in creating change
* We acknowledge that we sometimes disagree with one another about strategy and tactics.
* We condemn police repression and brutality

Jail solidarity

* We seek to support those arrested to the maximum extent possible. No one is free until everyone is free!