
Call for J20 Contingent

Let’s inaugurate the Obama era with a focus on (anti) capitalism. Economic collapse is on the tip of every tongue. Capitalism is facing its most debilitating crisis in nearly a century. G20 leaders have committed to revive the Doha round of global trade talks–the WTO is back again. Rather than converging on the inaugural route, we’ll bring resistance to the doorsteps of the banks, trade ministers, and corporate elite. Come dressed in festive attire, ready to party.

The inauguration is a celebration of the presidency–the figurehead of a legacy of exploitation, colonial genocide and greed. This symbolic replacement of one celebrity with another will not change the goals of the empire. As president, Barack Obama wants to further militarize US borders, build nuclear power plants, publicly fund new privately-owned “clean” coal plants, intensify the war in Afghanistan, exponentially increase domestic surveillance and put at least 50,000 more cops–and 20,000 US military–on the street. Just to start.

This inauguration will be different from the last two. It is expected to be the most well-attended in history–both by supporters and right-wing racists. We don’t want to get lost in the crowd or be confused for fabulously dressed fascists, but we can choose how to engage with this event in terms of location, messaging and appearance. With the press declaring Obama the most beloved president in recent history, the strategic move is to expose the root of our problems–not in any one president, but in the system that produces presidents.

As our compañerxs in Argentina say, ¡Qué se vayan todos! - They all must go!

Anarchy In Action, Washington, DC
Animas SDS, Durango, CO
Center for Strategic Anarchy
Earth First! Journal
Harrisburg Area Anarchist Collective
UA Central NC
UA in the Bay

Email ua-centralnc@riseup.net to endorse this call. We’ll post an update with more endorsements and information shortly.