
Breaking News: German state fears picnic

After 400 heavily armed persons rushed into the camp Rostock, after 100
Robocops have been walking trough the Hedonist barrio, after the Rostock
police wrote to us that the picnic will be banned because they see it as
a threat to public safety, after the justice in cooperation with the
police banned every demonstration which might come close to the security
area around the safety fence around the red zone, we are sad to announce
that the “World, Peace & Dance” alliance cancelled their “World, Peace &
Dance” picnic on Thursday.

We tried hard but there seems to be no chance to find a way with our
groove mobile trough Robocop land and to reach the open beach. The HI
decided to spare their last forces to unite and to block the G8 as long
and effective as possible.

Join the Block G8! The roads to Heiligendamm are already blocked! Do not
let them criminalise your rights!

Infos about Block G8: http://block-g8.org/

Independent english news ticker: http://de.indymedia.org/ticker/en/

The official english Hedonist International site:
