
Bush and G8 World Leaders Await over 100,000 Protestors in Germany as Police Nervously Anticipate Massive Protests

German police have recently upped the number of police preparing for anti-G8 protests to 18,000, an unprecedented number for a G8 Summit, scheduled to take place in Heilingendamm, Germany, June 6-8, 2007. Protest groups vow to shut down annual G8 Summit over growing concerns of long-term G8 inactivity on climate change, African poverty, HIV/AIDS, and further issues related to globalization. German Anti-G8 Infotour kicks of USA East Coast Tour.

Jason Kirkpatrick, G8 Infotour: 818-661-0648 (valid only
until April 12), presse@gipfelsoli.org

When President Bush, Tony Blair, and their host German Chancellor Angela Merkel meet at the annual G8 meeting of the leaders of the worlds eight largest economies, they will likely meet the largest protest the G8 has ever seen. German G8 Police Chief Knut Abramowski estimates 100,000 people will take part in the protests, and has recently upped the amount of active duty police officers to 18,000.


“People are tired of the empty promises of the G8,” said Jason Kirkpatrick, a former Vice-Mayor of Arcata, California, who is currently giving a 30 city USA lecture tour as member of the German based anti-G8 Infotour. “Because the G8 has been making empty promises about improving the environment and helping the poorest of Africa for years, this year over 100 various groups in Germany are planning to protest against the G8.”

Karla Kamper, from the German protest group Dissent stated, “Germans are informed and quite concerned about the negative effects of the G8 summit, and this is why over 20,000 people have protested against every G8 Summit since the annual closed door meeting has visited Germany since 1985. Police have predicted trouble starting with the day that President Bush arrives in Germany on June 5th, and we expect that thousands will attempt to avoid Bush’s airplane from even landing.”

The German based G8 Infotour is following up on their 240 city tour in 25 European countries by starting a 40 city USA infotour last week. Their goal is to teach Americans about the history and failures of the G8 summit, and to encourage people to actively protest against the continuing problems created by eight world leaders at their annual summit in Heiligendamm.

USA Infotour dates available here:
* 30 Mar, 6pm, Boston, Spontaneous Celebrations, spontaneouscelebrations.org
* 1 April: Penn State, PA Peace Center, 7 p.m.
* 2 April: Philadelphia, PA, A-Space, www.the-aspace.org
* 3 April: Baltimore, MD, Red Emma's
* 4 April: Washington D.C., Brian Mackenzie Infoshop, 7 p.m.
* 5 April: Chapel Hill, NC, 5 p.m.
* 6 April: Durham, NC
* 8 April: Greensboro, NC
* 9 April: Ashville, NC
* 11 April: Atlanta, GA Madratz Infoshop, 6 p.m.
* 13 April: New Orleans, LA
* 15 April: Houston; TX
* 16 April: Austin, TX Monkey Wrench Bookstore, 8 p.m.

More web-links:

Dissent! Network, Direct Action against G8: www.dissentnetwork.org
German NGO Platform: http://www.g8-germany.info
German site with information for visiting protesters: http://gipfelsoli.org/Multilanguage
Basic info about G8: www.g7.utoronto.ca
