
Welcome to the mass demonstration against the G8 Summit on 2.6.2007 in Rostock!

On 2 June, many thousand people from throughout Europe will travel to Rostock to protest in a mass demonstration against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm. We are standing up against the politics of the G8 – against climate change and illegitamate debts, and say instead that “another world is possible”.
The eight most powerful industrial countries use the G8 summit as a forum for their interests. With our mass demonstration, we want to give the movements in Germany, Europe and the whole world the chance to protest against the politics of the G8 and to make their own demands.

Get involved! Come to Rostock and send this appeal to everyone you know!

We invite all organisations and networks that are part of the movement for social justice to join the protest – from the East and the West, from the North and the South.

2. Juni

Information about the mass demonstration in Rostock is attached.

In the name of the participants of the international preparatory meeting for the mass demonstration against the G8 summit.

Sabine Zimpel and Christine Buchholz p.p. Demo-Workinggroup


G8-Germany International Preparatory Meeting for the international Demonstration 2.6. in Rostock

10.03.2007 Hamburg

On Saturday, June 2 , there will be a huge demonstration against the G8 Summit in Rostock.
You can be part of a very big movement! Tens of thousands of people will come from different countries and different political groups: From the radical left to the churches, from environmentalists to trade unionists. All together we want to build a big movement. At this moment a big part of the work is done! Now we need you to mobilise!

Here is a summary of the informations given in the meeting

1. Demonstration is the event, where most people will come to Rostock. All groups and parties work together. The demonstration will be a peaceful event of solidarity and unity.

2. Schedule: We will have 2 demoroutes, because there hopefully will be 100000 people, who need place and time for the route. One start will be in the west of Rostock, the other at the main railway- station. Both routes are ending at the harbour. At 11am is the beginning with an interlude, at 12 o’clock the speeches will start, at 1pm is the start of the demonstration which ends around 4pm at the harbour, until 6pm there will be speeches and music, until 10pm music and speeches. Please don’t book your transport back before 7pm.

3. We want many of you to stay in Rostock, because a Week of Action will follow the next days. The second important day is Wednesday: start of the summit! There will be massblockades to throw sand in the wheels of the G8-summit. There will also be a countersummit. On Thursday a “Sternmarsch” to Heiligendamm is planned: people go to Heiligendamm from 4 starting points. And there will the church bell ringing around Heiligendamm, it is called: “Heiliger Damm des Gebets” / “Holy dam of pray”. We plan also a final demo or action on Friday, at the end of the summit.

4. Mobilisation: first posters and leaflets are already printed. There will be a second wave with more supporter signs on the call. The call is open for everybody and all organizations to sign! It costs 20- 500€ for financing, it depends on the size of the organization. Please also contribute financially. We have to pay all the demo-logistics from the participation groups and organizations. There is no money from the state for the demo.

FAQ from the international guests/ answers:

We have to work in two directions. We need to know about your mobilisation and your plans about Rostock. This is also a strong motivation for our mobilisation in Germany. We need patience for some of the questions mentioned above. We will inform you as soon as possible.

Come to Rostock III International Action-Conference (13.-15. April)
It’s the third action-conference in Rostock to prepare the G8-protests. Everybody of you is asked to offer workshops.
Program: Friday, 13.5.: Opening Panel; Saturday: 14.5.: Opening Plenary // Workshops on thematically questions // Workshops on practical questions (demo, camp, blockades) // Big Panel with experts on climate change; Sunday, 15.5.: final plenary & decisions
We are working on consecutive translation in the workshops.

For further information: There is no special newsletter, our main communication is running on www.heiligendamm2007.de.
Email: office@heiligendamm2007.de

Sabine Zimpel and Christine Buchholz p.p. Demo-Workinggroup

2. Juni
2. Juni