
Donations for the G8-Summit anti-repression work

In the face of the police's threats it is really necessary for the left movement to prepare for the coming repression before the summit and to collect donations for the anti-repression work we will have to do. The Rote Hilfe ("Red Aid"), a leftist solidarity organisation with nearly 40 groups all over Germany, reckons that a five-digit euro-sum will be needed for solidarity work for trials only. This is why the whole left movement has to make joint efforts in solidarity work. Experience from previous summits shows that the fight against the criminalisation of activists requires much energy for a long time and especially very much money. Everybody can show solidarity by donations - NOW.

Rote Hilfe

Donations within Germany:
Rote Hilfe e.V.
Konto 191 100 462
BLZ 440 100 46
Postbank Dortmund
Stichwort: "G8 Gipfel"

Donations outside of Germany:
Rote Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE75 4401 0046 0191 1004 62
Postbank Dortmund
Purpose: "G-8 Summit"
If you are sending donations from outside of the EU please make group or joint contributions of at least 50 euros. Otherwise only the banks will receive anything as the fees are very high.


Rote Hilfe
Rote Hilfe