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Solidarity Manifestation and new homepage - All out now!

Come to the manifestation at the jail Moabit, 6pm at Friday, the 22nd of August!

Three Antimilitarists arrested the 30th/31st of Juli in Brandenburg/Havel and a forth person were taken to custody by the Chief Federal Prosecutor on the 1st of August. Those and three other comrades are accused of being members of a “terrorist alliance” according to section 129a, namely of the “militante gruppe”. Around 30 attacks since 2001 are ascribed to them. Three of the accused are said to be caught igniting incendiary compositions under vehicles of the german army Bundeswehr, the fourth was arrested in the course of the searching of seven private flats in Berlin and Leipzig, and one left bookshop on the 31st of Juli. By now the four arrested are held in custody in Berlin-Moabit.

Bild: BKA

The reasons of the Chief Federal Prosecutor rest upon different indications. As one reason it is mentioned that the arrested Andrej H. and another social scientist would have the ability intellectually to write the texts of the “mg” and that they would use several phrases in their scientific publications used by the “mg” as well. Also it would have been possible for them to make use of libraries without restrictions, where they could have done research for the “mg” texts. Further on all four suspects are charged with conspirative behaviour. Ranking among that is for example to address someone as “Swede” on the telephone, to give no precise times for appointments, to leave the mobile phone at home while going to a bar or to have a look around many a time while taking a walk in a park.
Also every evidence of a terrorist act is missing. So the attempted arson attack, were no person was endangered, has to be valued as attempted destruction of war materials, yet not as terrorism. This is why the accusation under section 129a as well as the custody is not maintainable, and like in 98 percent of preliminary investigations since 1976 it will not lead to a conviction. Section 129a rather serves as a tool for those in power to spy out and intimidate social movements, as it suspends elementary rights for the allegedly accused and their environment. Since two weeks this arouses protest nationally and internationally.
Friday, the 22nd of August the writ of habeas corpus of Andrej H. will take place in Karlsruhe. At this time the judge in charge will prove whether it is justified to hold Andrej H. in custody. That´s why there will be a manifestation at the jail in Moabit at the 22nd of August, 6 pm – to push our claim to freedom for our friends, and to show the comrades in jail that they are not alone, that they can count on our support and solidarity.

Immediate suspension of all proceedings under section 129a and b!

For a society without prisons

The struggle continues!

22nd of August, 6 pm in front of the jail Moabit (close to Central Station)

15th of September 2007 | high noon | Rotes Rathaus, Antimilitaristic demonstration against the extension of the deployment of the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan

22nd of September 2007 | 14:30 | Brandenburger Tor, Federally mobilized demonstration against the surveillance state of (Minister of the Interior) Schäuble, featuring an anticapitalist block.


New homepage about the proceedings against mg

There now is a new homepage about the proceedings against the alleged members of the militante gruppe. This blog was created because we found that those doing solidarity work for the new 129a-prisoners or publicly speak about the arrests have a responsibility to agree on the course of their solidarity work. The blog was created to enable such discussions.