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G8 Genoa 2001: Sentence in Diaz trial 13th November! [Update]

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On 13th November the trial will begin in the morning around 9h30, then the judges will retire to their chamber to decide the sentence. In the last two big trials (against the 25 italian activists and police barracks Bolzaneto) this took all day. The final verdict will probably be announced late in the evening.

The Diaz raid by the police at the end of the G8 summit took 93 illegal arrests and 61 injured activists, some of them very heavily. All of them went to hospital. The police falsified proofs for the trial (like molotov cocktails). 29 policemen are accused, because officially only the leaders were able to be identified. The prosecutor demands 110 years of prison in total.

Source: email | Gipfelsoli